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My new obsession

I have no idea what my new obsession means, or where it came from.
I honestly don't.

I am not sharing it here, looking for any praise.   I truly think that 
I am having a mental break of some sort, revisiting my childhood.
Or in some way, revisiting something I shouldn't even be remembering.

Lately, every evening, I drag out my box of pens (you knew I had a pen problem, right?), and I
find myself drawing these scenes from my head.

Every time I start one, I have no idea where I'm going with it.......it begins with a line or two, and then they just evolve.  Somehow, as I'm drawing them, I feel some spark of recognition, though I can't explain that at all.

My eight year old granddaughter loves them, and I take THAT as the highest compliment, since when I am drawing them, I kind of feel like an 8 year old.
How marvelous would it be to be that age again????  
Can you even imagine??????

A lot of the time, I am not thinking at all, they are totally contemplative.

I have to admit, I sort of love doing it.  
Is it just doodling?  Or something else?

I have questioned why I don't put people in them.  I don't know the answer to that.  Maybe I am just not ready to do that, or maybe people aren't the point.

I do believe that our psychological self knows things that we aren't consciously aware of, and I think that the universe is more mysterious than we allow.

When I was younger, much younger, I used to dream about this house.  I was in the front yard, looking down the road, waiting for someone who never came.  The house was as clear as a picture.
I always wondered about that house.

In my adulthood, I have dreamt many times about another house, but I am in the upstairs, and
there are so many bedrooms........and at the end of the house, there are a second set of stairs, that lead to a separate apartment if you will.

I have never seen the house, in this life, but it is very real to me, still.

This one is Dale's favorite, she didn't say why.
She wanted them all.  

This is the first one I drew, the one that got me hooked.

They all make me feel very peaceful, but I guess I better move on, before I start a collection.

Christmas is over.  It took me 5 minutes to take my tree out of its plastic bag, and plug it in.   It will take me 5 minutes to put it away again on New Year's Day.  That's how I roll.

At the end of the day though, this is the real joy in my life, as it should be.
They came and spent the day with me today, and I have no idea why I am not asleep yet.
Til next time.

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