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Good Morning Blog World

Looks like some of the House democrats are beginning to realize that the emperor ain't wearing clothes. But then when I think about it most of the House democrats ain't wearing any clothes either. Damn. Can you visualize Nancy nekkid? Excuse me while I go puke.

But I do share some of the concerns that congress has about the war in Afghanistan. There have been some major world powers that got bogged down in Afghanistan and the USA could well be another one. Afghanistan is a country of tribesmen who's primary loyalty is to their war lord. Unless the emperor Obama can find a general who has the balls, determination, and willingness to do what has to be done...a man such as the indian fighter Phil Sheridan we might wind up as did the Soviets and the British before them...leaving with our tails between our legs. The last one to actually bring the Afghans under control (other than the Taliban) was Genghis Khan who did so with sheer brutality...just as did the Taliban.

“When banks are charging 30 percent interest rates, they are not making credit available,” said Mr. Sanders. “They are engaged in loan sharking.”

I reckon so. But being a believer in the free market I also reckon that a bank should be allowed to charge whatever interest the market will bear...provided they are not allowed to change the rate at will.

I best get my wide beam moving. I need to kick my neighbor out of bed and haul his ass to Home Depot with me and get the fence building supplies. This fence may be slow getting built...there be a lot of trees and trees generally indicate a lot of roots. I may have to rent a power auger to get the holes dug..so be it. Been there and done that.

Had me some cinnamon oat meal again this morning. The cinnamon makes that damn horse food nearly palatable...at least enough so I can wash it down with jump start. If my next blood test don't show an improvement on the triglycerides I am going back to grits...at least I'll get some happy fatty blood....y'all come back, heah?

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