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Fangirl Fridays: Comic Book Junction

I'm a compulsive blog creator. Okay, that made me sound like I also compulsively purchase figurines of pigs and hedgehogs to crowd my house and bedevil my guests.

But I like to create blogs. I do it for a living for other people. And every once in a while I find some topic I like and want to create another blog for myself.

I started Comic Book Junction on a whim, and the desire to do a more "general interest" comic book site. I held off launching it for weeks, as I was quite a perfectionist about things, but I figure I should just get off the pot and get it up there. This was originally supposed to be the "Comics Spirit" blog I mentioned earlier.

The design, widgets, etc. are not finished. But I have one review up. I have a lot of material "in the queue" that needs to be typed up and formatted. Regular updating will probably not happen until next week.

The substance of the blog would be longer-form features and reviews interspersed with shorter bits on cool comic stuff. Many of the posts will still have an edge to them, but the material on Comic Book Junction is meant to be one step less personal. If "Occasional Superheroine" is 11 on scale of 1 to 10 in terms of personalness, then Comic Book Junction is a 6 or a 7. Which means I probably won't grouse about things I hate on this new site. That, childrens, is what the OS is for.

But also, "Occasional Superheroine" is sort of my home-base blog -- about me as well as comics. A lot of people who haven't talked to me in a while will check the OS to see what's new in my life. Which, depending on the blog post in question, could be inspiring or slightly alarming.

So there you have it -- Comic Book Junction. I'm open to your thoughts and suggestions. And, if something like the comments function doesn't work, or a link leads to Rick Astley, I trust you will let me know.


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