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1 Artist, 1 Model, 5 Paintings, 24 Covers

The Danish painter Vilhelm Hammershøi (1864-1916) is most celebrated for his series of interior paintings, many of which featured his wife, Ida, seen from behind. Cold, spare, quiet and intriguing, they are the perfect representation of a certain gloomy domesticity. They are also very frequently used on book covers.

Here are just five of the paintings, spread over 24 books. I've left out of this selection any books that are specifically about Hammershøi himself.

'Interior, Strandgade 30'

'Interior with Woman at Piano, Strandgade 30'

'Interior, Strandgade 30'

'Interior with Young Woman from Behind'

'In a Room with a Piano and a Woman in Black'


And, just for interest, here's Ida herself, looking forward for once.

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