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A walk around the garden

It's quite a while since I wandered around our garden with you, so maybe you would like to join me.....

It is such a wonderful sight after all those long winter months to see the garden full of plants again and it is lovely to sit in the sun on the patio watching the insects visiting all those flowers.

The garden is currently full of aquilegia, most of which are self sown. Last year I counted them and we had around 100 aquilegia plants!


Twinkle doesn't get much of coverage on my blog unlike Daisy. She hasn't been popular this week as she has caught a baby bird, a slow worm and a mouse! She is not usually such a hunter!

More aquilegia and persicaria

We had an allotment a few years ago, but sadly had to give it up because we didn't have enough time. Although we have a vegetable patch we missed the extra space the allotment had given us, and we made this planting box near the house, originally following the principles of square foot gardening. It is amazing what can be grown in such a small space and although we haven't planted it in square blocks it provides us with lots of extra salad.

Wishing you all a good weekend, I am hoping to spend it as usual in the garden, and down by the sea.
Sarah x

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