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A Closer Look *<[]:{D

I hope you're enjoying the holidays - I am.  Finding some fun toys for our grandchildren, trimming the tree, planning a holiday dinner for my two sisters, one brother and their spouses.  I showed you our tree but I realized that the fun part is standing close to it and looking over all the ornaments that are lovingly collected, made or given to you over the years.  
So, why don't you join me in looking closer at some of my favorite ornaments?  Of course I love this one, it's fragile glass, a barn, with a tractor parked on the side.  Doesn't it look like our barn?
Here is a snowflake that I crocheted last year using cotton thread and a small steel hook.  I did several of these which I added to my collection that started with buying some from a 100 year old friend of mine, Weltha Wilson a few years before she passed away.   
The one below is a crocheted wreath, which I starched and hung with a bead in the middle and added a green ribbon, red satin rose and added some dried baby's breath to. 
I also have a small collection of "Snow Baby" ornaments by Dept. 56.  This one is sledding on a snow disk. 
I found this wonderful cherub ornament in an antique store several years ago, I think it's made in Italy and is hand signed.   
This smaller one was there also - sorry for the fuzzy photo. 
I crocheted this stocking for Dayle - I can't find mine!  But I've made one for each of the family members, including the 6 grandchildren.  These are only 3 inches tall. 
This is a favorite - a small brass railroad lantern with crystals for the globe.  This will always be special as I got these last year when we treated all of our kids and grandkids to a train trip on the steam engine "Holiday Express".  I got one for us and all the kids - the proceeds went to help pay for the restoration of the train and to build a new home for the historic engines.   
I found this carousel a few years ago, you push a button underneath and a Christmas song plays. 
This ornament is a favorite, given to me by my granddaughters last year. 
This is a Lucy style ornament that I made last year.  My granddaughters are in the ornament next to it.. :-) 
I like this one, a glass cover over a penguin and 2 snow covered trees. 
This is just one of my collection of Margaret Furlong porcelain ornaments.. each year the artist would put a different item in the angels arms.   
I purchased this small Nantucket basket ornament while on a visit to that magical island about 5 years ago with my sister, Roberta.  See the sailing ship on the top? 
This is one of 6 Thomas Kinkade sailboat ornaments I found, I don't even remember where. eBay?  each one has a porcelain sail with a lovely lighthouse painted on it, the boat floats upon a lovely blue sea.
You probably noticed bits of my Scandinavian Heart ornaments in these photos.. here is one straight on.  You can get the free pattern here on my blog, click on the link above right.  You can also buy one if you want on my Etsy page.  :-)
Here is a favorite.. my dog's own ornament. 
This below is the cutest little thing.. it's a candle holder that has 3 little animals roasting a marshmallow over the "fire" - which is a tea light candle - with a Christmas tree behind lit with candles, and two red birds beside their nest with 3 eggs in it.  
Last but not least is this sleeping Santa.. made of painted plaster.  Funny story.. the plaster lady was visiting my home in Louisiana and saw an Aztec calendar on our wall and asked if she could borrow it to cast to make more.. so we said okay.. a week later she called to apologize as the one we lent her burst into a million pieces during the molding of it.  She asked if she could make us a Santa to replace it, which I readily agreed to.  This is what she gave us and it's our oldest and most prized decoration.  :-)
 I hope you've enjoyed this closer look of our Christmas decorations.  I hope to see some of yours on those of you who blog! :-)  I plan to finish off my decorating today so it will be done for our siblings and spouses dinner day after tomorrow!!  

 *M*E*R*R*Y* * *C*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S*!*
((hugs)), Teresa :-) 

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