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:SEA The World: Thailand



I've been planning a Sea of Love Part II for some time.. but for one reason or another it just hasn't eventuated... In fact I think most of my Part II's have not eventuated... I wonder if it is as I use my favourite images in the Part I or that somehow the enthusiasm gets lost after the first attempt.. I read somewhere once that you should never verbalize what you intend to create as it takes the momentum out of the doing so.. as if all one's creative energy is lost in the telling.. Well not sure about that however I do seem to have had a mental block with this Part II.. Partly due to indecision what to write about.. I always have a few mishaps during my travels.. Which are annoying at the time.. but make for interesting stories back home.. So today I think I'll tell you about my fews crazy hours at Bangkok airport .. waiting to return home..


We'd just flown in from Phuket and were making our way to the International flight to Sydney.. Now when I say 'We' I mean 'Me' and other passengers who just happened to be on the same flight.. In the slow slow line waiting to be checked by customs, I struck up a conversation with another aussie... When it was his turn to be checked the customs officer got into a bit of a flap as I went through separately... 'Your Wife' .. 'Your Wife' they kept yelling.. 'Your Wife .. Come Back' !!! Thankfully the guy explained he didn't know me.. and I was let go.. phew.. wonder what he did to cause such ruckus!!
Well the shoe was on the other foot a little bit later... You see in my boredom of the two hour wait.. I had found myself at an Oxygen Massage Bar.. Ever experienced one of these?? Well it is a seated neck and shoulder thai massage.. but.. with pure oxygen pumped through your nasal cavity during the process.. Well!!! I was off like a kite !!! Felt like I was deliriously drunk.. Skipping [I mean walking] around the airport smiling and giggling to myself.. and yes that was getting me a bit of attention.. At some point I ran into that aussie guy from customs.. attempted to find out what all the hoo ha was about.. but in my oxygen altered state he was pretty keen to steer clear of me.. haha I don't blame him ... Bangkok airport really is somewhere one should at least try and act normal.


Not long after it was time to go through yet another check point before boarding the flight to Sydney .. This time they were checking passengers with one of those electronic monitoring wand thingies ... The official asked me to stand on a box so she could scan me for anything naughty .. I did .. Next minute in front of anyone who happened to be watching.. [just a few hundred people].. She grabs me on the stomach,... shakes it around a bit and asks in a thunderous voice .. "WHAT IS THIS?' .. Uhhhmm .. I reply just as thunderously.. "MY FAT'!! hahahaha.. .It took giving her a visual of said fat to satisfy her I was not smuggling anything onboard... Once again.. in front of anyone who cared to be watching!!! I'd like to say people weren't snickering during the nine hour flight home!! hahaha Happily I made it home safely... with a slight oxygen hangover.. The moral: Beware of Oxygen Bars and Flaunting Your Fat.

[click on the icon for more SEA The World posts]

So I am a little behind in visiting and emails.. I've been feeling a bit fluey.. Nothing a bit of oxygen wouldn't fix.. And last night we had a huge electrical storm... It knocked out 'MAC in the box' once and I wasn't game to try for a second time.. Apparently we are under threat of severe storm warnings for tonight also!!! Crazy spring weather..

'Have A Fabulous Week Everyone'

Julie b

Text, Photography & Altered Image Artwork by Being Ruby©
Location: Phuket: 'Palm Trees': View from Evason Resort & Spa
'Others': Day trip on Pang Nga Bay

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