My A to Z Challenge: Flash fiction written using two words and a photo for inspiration. How did I chose the words? First I brought up a noun list for each letter, then averted my eyes, scrolled the mouse down, stopped and double-clicked. That was the word! The second word was chosen the same way but from a dictionary list of words.
NOTE: Photos are from free to use photo sites such as and No attribution necessary.

It all started with a quote he had saved. A quote that he didn't understand at first, but the more he thought about it, the better he understood it. At least he thought he did.
“The quest for certainty blocks the search for meaning. Uncertainty is the very condition to impel man to unfold his powers. ”
~ Erich Fromm
So that was the impetus for this quest, this search for meaning in his life. He'd walked away from it all. The high pay, high stress job. The girlfriend who wasn't really one. The fast cars, gourmet restaurants and brand name clothes. All he owned now was in his backpack.
He'd been through three continents, too many countries to count. His passport was filled with colorful stamps and writing in multiple handwriting. A quick study for languages, he was working his way around the world, one country at a time.
Had he found certainty on his journeys? Only the certainty that life was too short. He was never going to wait for the perfect tomorrow, he would continue to savor his imperfect todays. Let the quest continue!
Stay Calm and Read Flash Fiction!

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