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Well, I finally sat down and watched the Royal Wedding. I was really struck by the elegance and beauty of it. There is something so fairy tale like about those events. It seems to touch a wistful place deep inside of us. We can't help but wonder, what would it be like to be a prince or princess? The music was glorious.  I especially enjoyed the singing and energy of the choir. It was inspiring to see something so cultural and civilized on television. I got a bit teary. What an event!

It made me think about the weddings in my family. Although the sermons stress the ideals of marriage, sometimes the reality doesn't match those expectations. I watched the footage of Charles, now older and greyer, and thought about Diana. It was so tragic for those boys to lose their lovely mum. Even the very wealthy experience extreme heartache and difficulty in life. Nobody gets a free pass. 

Family dynamics are strange things, and none of us can control what happens. One new personality can change everything.  Sometimes marriage brings in happiness, other times it causes terrible strain. I think all families have a mixture of feelings and results.  I have learned to let go and allow things to happen. You never know how life will turn out; it is full of unexpected twists and turns. The future is very difficult to predict. It was amazing to me to see Camilla up there, and how gracefully they all handled it. What a saga.

The photo above is my mom, my brother, and I. We are  at my aunt's wedding. I remember at that time my mother was upset that I wasn't the flower girl. It makes me laugh now. "She just doesn't want you to get all the attention," my mother snapped.  I really find that amusing. I loved watching the children in the Royal Wedding. They were so sweet. They really added something special.  Did you watch?

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