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We haven't featured Fly recently...

Fly, like certain NFL quarterbacks, prefers her football under inflated...
Fly is 12 years old now and while she isn't as active as she used to be, she still enjoys her morning game of herd the football.

I'm in the process of determining how much life there is in a batch of color film processing chemicals.  The manufacturer only claims four rolls of 120 film or 8 of 35mm which makes the cost almost exactly what it is to have it processed in town, less the gas money (about a 60 mile round trip.)  They hedge a bit though, talking about how the chemicals are stored and what an acceptable quality level is.  Researching on the internet gives me a fairly wide range of answers, but I've determined that I can develop 12 rolls of 120 film in a batch with no noticeable loss in quality.  I'm now working on a project to see how long the shelf life of the chemicals are by processing one roll of film per week.  The mix is now 5 weeks old and as the picture above shows, the color still looks good.

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