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The Taste Test

I've grown two different varieties of potatoes in containers this year, not that I set out to do this. I chose a second early, Charlotte, to grow, however, a potato from the batch I grew last year started to grow in the old compost I'd kept in the greenhouse, and rather than discard it, I repotted it into fresh compost and allowed it to grow on. The variety of this one is Jazzy. I've now harvested potatoes from both varieties so I thought I'd do a bit of a taste test.

The first to be ready was Jazzy, probably because already being in compost, it had started growing first. I was a little disappointed in the yield of Jazzy last year, but it's fared better this time round. This haul is from just one tuber, considerably better than it did last year.

The first lot of Charlotte potatoes were harvested just a couple of days later and this is the amount we got from two tubers, not nearly so good as the Jazzy.

So what about taste. I know Charlotte is many people's potato of choice but, for me, Jazzy wins the taste test hands down. I'm not the only one who thinks this either, both Mick and Eleanor agree with me.

Whichever variety you grow, I think home grown always tastes superior to those you buy in the supermarket.

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