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Robert Greenwald's Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price

So Wal-Mart is apparently a big, evil corporation fixated on the bottom line.  Quel surprise.  It was, however, interesting to see how evil this company actually is and Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price does a decent job lining up a very long list of the companies indiscretions.   Unfortunately this was a brutally painful documentary to sit through and no, not because of the remorseless actions Wal-Mart has inflicted on countless people across the USA and in China. The pain I suffered was a result of this doc being tremendously boring and incredibly amateurish.  In fact, it was so poorly made it, at times, felt like a high school A/V club project.  I expect a lot more from a seasoned director such as Robert Greenwald who has worked on enough productions he should realize the importance of a professional sound mix. Beyond its rough around the edges feel, I also felt insulted by the over-the-top, propagandistic preaching of this doc. If I didn't detest Wal-Mart as much as I already do, this doc would actually make me want to shop there...out of spite.

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