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Retirement diary - Autumnal Days

We are loving this retirement malarkey
The week has started with a walk round nearby Cowm Resevoir.

It’s a beautiful walk anytime of the year and particularly
stunning in Autumn.

At one point we sat on a bench feeling the sun on our faces
and chuckling about what we would put in a packed lunch box
if we had brought one.

‘Cheese butties’ said I, ‘with a sliced tomato on brown bread and a packet of plain crisps’.

‘I’d have a penguin biscuit in mine as well’ said the wandering welder.

‘What no banana butties ?’ 

‘What about a drink’ said I.

‘We can dig into the pension and buy one off the man in the tea van
when we get to the other side’ said himself.

‘Good idea. Then home for an afternoon of reading my new
library books and an episode of escape to the country’ said I.

Look I managed to bag the new Jamie Oliver book.

Enjoy these Autumn days
Lynn & Philip
x x

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