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It's that new-release time for me again and I need to get my rear-end in gear. Publicity in even the most casual way (giving someone your card when they ask about your book) requires a certain amount of prep work. Let's just say I'm a little behind. :) I'm going to try to catch up this week, especially since I've missed a few opportunities recently to hand out something nice about my book. Vista Print is a good resource for post cards, business cards, flyers, and brochures. I've used them a few times and have been very pleased with their low costs and lack of hassle I've encountered. As far as groups that have great ideas for promotions, my pick is Murder Must Advertise. The threads cover all aspects of promotion (and the group isn't limited to mystery writers.) Interested in blog touring? I recommend Blog Book Tours for information on making your own blog successful and what to look for in a potential tour host. Publicity prep isn't the easiest thing in the world (and it can be very time-consuming.) But I try to remember that it's just as important as the other parts of the writing process.

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