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Oh no!

They've finally done it - changed my blogger layout to the new one. I'd been hanging on to the old one as long as possible and now it's gone. Oh woe! I'm going to have to navigate my way round slowly as nothing is where it should be and I have to keep clicking Close to get back to where I want to be. At least it saves posts quickly. I'm sure I'll get used to it. Change happens. It must mean progress! Blogger has told me that it is ...

A clean, sleek interface designed for a streamlined blogging experience. Not only does the new interface load faster, but we’ve also added shortcuts to your most important blogging actions. (Haven't found them yet.)

 ... so it must be good.

We'll see - roll on the streamlined blogging experience!

Hi Op Shop Mama, thanks for helping at the Tea Party. It's a good excuse to seek out 'new' frocks for you and Iris. Hi, Iris, see you in October.

Busybusybeejay, have you decided on the sandwich fillings yet?

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