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My Two Cents (x 7,560) ...

There's a man in Canada named David.

On September 9, he wrote a blog entry (click the title above) that invited bloggers to participate in an idea he had to help Katrina victims: Pledge two cents per word for each blog entry between September 9th and the end of the year and donate that money to a charity that is helping our Southern friends rebuild their lives.

I found out about this through my friend Ethan's site, The Vision Thing. Today, I read Ethan's post about his tally. He's donating half his money to Oprah's Angel network and half to Habitat for Humanity.

And I decided, since this is the season of giving, that I would add up the number of words in all my December posts and contribute, too. (I tend to write a lot, so I didn't think I'd be able to afford a donation that included posts all the way back to September 9th.)

My total for this month's posts, so far, is $151.20. I'll keep track until 11:59 p.m. on December 31 and do a final tally and post a check to Habitat or some such organization.

This was a very worthwhile idea, David. My hat's off to you. And to others who wish to participate, I extend the invitation on David's behalf.

+ $4.46

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