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More Snow and Good Friends

Outside it's snowing. Again. Hope you didn't read any excitement into those two statements because I'm not feeling any!! I'm so ready to move on to some color in my world.

It is pretty.

On Thursday as I was waiting for Zoe to complete her ballet class I suddenly realized what beauty was right near my van.....


This tree filled me with hope.
Spring and color would come
even though more snow and more snow and more snow
was just around the corner.

We had snow Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Kids are loving it!
They've been working on a fort.

Ellen recently had two fun events with her friends....and we moms had fun too.

A Valentine Party
hosted by Elizabeth and her mom, Terry.

The girls decorated bags to hold their Valentine cards

We had some delicious desserts. Yum!

Then we gathered in the living room
 where the girls played a fun gift exchange game.

Marge and Elizabeth chat before the game starts.

Ellen and I attempted a selfie ☺

They had so much fun and were pleased with the gift that ended up being theirs.

Yesterday we were together again.
Bri had a birthday in January but we celebrated it yesterday
by seeing the musical
 The Secret Garden
 at Cavod Academy in New Holland.

 Getting ready for the show to start.

Snacks at intermission ☺

After the show the girls gave Bri 
the cards and gifts they brought for her.

It was so good to be together!

We certainly missed the 
girls and moms that couldn't attend.

Hopefully next time it suits everyone!

This morning at church I was blessed to watch this cutie...

Grandson Carson playing ♥

I'll leave you with a blast from the past....

Aren't they adorable?
Aidan and Zoe enjoying a spring day in the backyard of our former home. 
And now these two are 9 and almost 11. 

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