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More Pictures

Yes, a few more pictures from the party on Sunday =)

Our sweet Brinley has some lunch ♥

Zoe takes her cousin Ainsley for a spin =)

What a blessing this house is when we have a crowd party!!

Are Corey and Laura taking a pic of two beauties dressed in pink? 

Why so glum, ladies??

That's better!
They are SO cute!!

Our birthday boy, Aidan, has been sick ever since early Tuesday morning. He's had a fever that just doesn't quit. This is the last week of school and it looks like he won't get to say goodbye to his friends or his teacher. Aidan will go to a different school next year because of our move. I feel so sorry for him! 

Weather this week has been cloudy, drizzly, stormy at times and heavy rain. Haven't had dinner or even sat in the screened porch all week. Sad, sad, indeed. On the bright side, no watering of the newly planted flowers has been necessary ☺

Hope you are all well and are enjoying the month of June. Can you believe it's almost half gone?? Please s.l.o.w. down, 2014!! 


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