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Happy Thursday

Good morning my friends! It’s another cold and cloudy day here in Spokane. There were blue skies and sunshine when I woke up, but it has gone away. I don’t have a lot of plans for today other than to start a new knitting project. I ended up having another octicular migraine yesterday late in the morning, so I was out of commission most of the afternoon. Today is a much better day with just a bit of a lingering headache, nothing to complain about though. I thought I would share the  “Sheep Virtues” with you again after I outlined all of the sheep with one strand of dark brown. I think it made a big difference, don’t you?

I also made four more pair of mittens, so I’m all caught up for January. I’m trying to get creative and use up all of my little balls of leftover yarn.
This is the new project I will be starting, although I want to make them into full mittens instead of fingerless. When it’s as cold as it is right now you need your fingertips covered too!  I am going to be using some leftover Knit Picks sock yarn in Stroll Heather. I’m using the Farmhouse and Persimmon colorways.
I think I should have enough yarn.

I can’t share too many photos of the house because absolutely no paperwork has been signed yet, but here is one photo of the outside. It has a double car garage to the left and two windows above the garage. The two windows are the two guest rooms and the master bedroom and bath are in the back of the house. The three windows on the right top are the living room and bottom is the family room. Sorry it’s blurry, but this photo has been emailed three times and saved.  The house has permanent siding and vinyl wrapped windows, as well as “gutter helmets.” It is virtually no maintenance on the outside besides lawn care and snow removal. I really didn’t want another split level house, but there aren’t a lot of choices right now. I would have preferred an older, one level craftsman house, but we don’t always get what we want do we?  I am very happy that the Lord has provided this home for us in such an excellent location.  As for our moving date, that is still up in the air. As I said in my last post, we’re hoping to go back in the spring and start cleaning the house out and see what needs to be done. The actual move probably won’t be until fall.  Although we will be right next-door to Dennis’s mom, Mandy, Brad and Piper will be about 20 minutes away and my sister about 20 minutes the other direction. There is family scattered all in between and my brother is across the Missouri River in Council Bluffs.

Look, look, look! I had a surprise in the mail yesterday. Cindy from the “Delighted Hands” blog over on my side bar sent me one of her sweet little snowman. She is becoming a whiz using the lathe that she recently started working on. She makes the most exquisite bowls from logs found on their property! And these sweet little snowman too! I have fallen in love with every one that I saw on her blog. She knows that I collect snowmen and they are my favorite winter decoration. She even signed the bottom of it. When she is a famous artist, I will have one of her first art pieces. 💜☃️💜 He has a place of honor here in the RV and he will have one in the new house too. I think he will be a snowman that stays out year-round. Thank you so much Cindy! He is so handsome with his wonderful smile and fancy scarf.

I hope you are all having a wonderful week and are safe and well.

This verse is one of my absolute favorites. When I would sit at the lake and see the eagles flying over, I couldn’t help but quote this verse in my mind each time.

Blessings and love,

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