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Cleaning up the 'crap' room

Pardon my slang,
but this is what we call the guest room.

I am on a mission this Winter to get this room company worthy.

(I think I can hear my daughters and husband laughing)
I'm sure they think it's hopeless))

It used to be my sewing/craft room 
(thus the crap)

It has always been the dumping room. Where everything that has no home ends up. 
I've tried, I really have, but there is no way I can keep it tidy.

It's in bad need of a paint job, new flooring and a maid.

Since I had some grandchildren coming for the weekend, I decided to straighten it up enough
that one of them could find their way to the bed and make use of it.

A little pitcher of sweet peas should make them feel welcome.

 I love the fact that the sweet peas are still blooming. I've never had them bloom this good this long.


They smell so good...

 and are such photogenic little things!

  They go a long way to making this guest room look a lot more inviting!

I took these photos Friday to have in my garden files to remind myself next year to 
plant these again in this same bed.
They have flourished here!

This walkway joins our front patio to our back parking and 
I couldn't even count the passes I make here in a day, but I can say it is 
always a pleasure with the sweet peas in bloom.

A heavenly, fragrant pleasure!

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