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a totally tranquil giveaway...

I know it's getting perilously close to the holidays and I should have done this a week ago...but...you know how it is! Well, the disorganised among you (welcome to my world) probably do.
There's a giveaway here this week for two reasons:
  1. Mostly, to thank you for your friendship, your humour, your care...your all-round awesomeness, and
  2. secondly, to tell you that my friend Chris (the chandelier fairy) and I have opened an etsy shop called Totally Tranquil (well I think we have...hoping that I have pushed all the right buttons and filled in all the correct forms!)
So, the giveaway is stuff we've made and a bit of a taste of what might be coming...provided I get my act together sufficiently to list some things! Full of ideas we are...it's the execution that might be slightly problematic. 
Chris and I both love to make things; we sew, we paint and I do needlework. She's been leading a life of leisure this year and I've had one day off a week...supposedly to make stuff. But again, you know how it is...not as much achieved as I'd hoped.  When I said I'd like to do a giveaway to thank everyone for the year you and I have had together (Chris isn't a blogger btw), she generously gave me the red linen tote she'd just made (and already wrapped!) for someone else and said...here you go, this is suitably festive! The woman is a bag making queen :) And she made this very cool apron as well...very difficult to photograph aprons without a model I've discovered!
In a little nod to some of the things I've been doing lately, I've provided the gift tags (2 sets), a tapestry bookmark and yes....you guessed it, not one, but two knitted dishcloths. Come on...you know you want one!!
So just leave a comment. I don't mind if you're a follower or not (see last Friday's post and all your fabulous comments about the perils of following and unfollowing...I loved reading them all) and if you wanted to let others know about it that would be great and I'd throw your name in the hat again.

The random generator will get cranked up on Thursday evening Australian daytime savings time so I can put these in the post on Friday with the faint hope that it might reach you by Christmas. I know that overseas readers haven't got a snowball's chance in you-know-where of getting anything by then, but it's only one set of the tags that you might need to put away until next year if you win!
Here's the link to the shop...I've only had the chance to list a few things so far...a small matter of the painters arriving today and the living room and kitchen needing to be packed up! 
And the banner was made by my very clever son Ben...in lieu of rent...that kid's got it good!

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