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A little bit of The Big O

Declan Burke has been waxing even more enthusiastic than usual these days, and why not? His second novel, The Big O, called a "tour de fun" by Detectives Beyond Borders and a lot of additional nice things by a lot of additional reviewers, has its U.S. release from Harcourt Sept. 22.

I singled out the novel for its opening, and now you can read the first three chapters on the book's Amazon page. I recommend that you do so. Then I recommend that you read the rest of the chapters as well, and if you suspect that that's a suggestion you seek out the whole book, you're right.

I wrote last year that "the deliciously complicated plotting, the wry dialogue and the sympathy Burke engenders for his cast of characters made this one of the most fun and purely pleasurable reads I've had in a while." I've had no reason to repent that opinion. The Big O is still one of the two or three funniest crime novels I've ever read.

© Peter Rozovsky 2008

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