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Kim K is not a 'rock chick' she's an idiot....

Kim Kardashian was recently spotted wearing this. Oh and labelled, rock chick.

This I have an issue with. The reason? This isn't rock chick - its promotion. The most photographed woman in the world wears a ''band'' t-shirt and guess what? It's her boyfriend's ''band''. It's not even rock - its rap. Crap rap at that.

The leather jacket can only be labelled rock chick when it looks like it hasn't been unpacked from whatever branch of Selfridges she ordered it from that morning and genuinely should look as if its been crumpled on the floor of a band practise somewhere foreign where you really do fear getting samonella off the surfaces.

Wearing heels is fine - but Louboutins? Strappy Loubs? I think not. Come back to me when you borrow your boyfriends boots or better yet, buy your own punkish ankle boots which hurt you when you wear them.

Can we please stop the madness now?

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