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So I just watched Teena Marie" "Lovergirl", and I can't help but notice that we are truly in a stage of timeless fashion. Everything is back or pieces of everything from all eras are in style. Teena Marie was wearing a sequence top that any pop singer can pull off today. The only thing really different is the hair styles and maybe the make up. Really though, every things in style. Take a article of clothing that you always loved and wear it just be creative and work with it and create a fabulous outfit that is personal and stylish. You'll be surprised.

I go back to one of my jobs today. I have to admit lately it has been very irritating and out of control. "It's just retail",  I know, but it's ridiculous! Sometimes it just doesn't seem like it's worth the amount of money we make to work there, It's the most physically demanding retail job I have EVER had and people really don't care. It's annoying, not to mention disrespectful and reflects what kind of a person you are. I catch a lot of you who drop things on the floor and leave things in other departments or on tables...I've said this before. IT'S SO WRONG! I know we all do it! My sisters and cousins all admit they do and I told them what we have to deal with when they leave.
Kindly hang up the clothes you try on. A girl from Scotland who works with us said you would never see that where she is from. It shocks her. Only in North America is this considered normal. "It's our job, after all". F-off! NOT my job to clean your crap with that attitude you, the customer, carry. It's your job to hand whatever it is you don't want to someone if you don't want t o have it anymore. Even easier to bring it into the change room. There is where it all gets organized and put in the proper departments. GROW UP! If you wouldn't do it at home, don' do it at anyone elses...sorry. I just get all worked up. The best is pulling out the garment that is hung, and leave it. TWO SECONDS...shove it back in!

Ok. I'm done blowing up. I'm just bitter because I have to deal with that in a few hours. Be kind. treat clothes the way you would if they were yours...just do it. Please and thank you.

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